Distribution of individual and collective exposure doses for the population of Belorus in the first year after the Chernobyl accident
"Radiation and Risk", 1996, vol. 7, pp. 87-113
Savkin M.N., Titov A.V., Lebedev A.N.
Institute of Biophysics, Moscow
The paper presents results of reconstruction of absorbed internal and external exposure doses for the population on the contaminated areas of Belorus in 1986 on the basis of statistical analysis of the database on radiation monitoring of environmental media, foodstuffs and individual exposure. Consideration is given to the areas with Cs-137 soil contamination density of above 0.185 MBq/m2 (5 Ci/km2). A model of “basic” distributions is proposed which can be used to estimate distribution of absorbed doses for evacuated population and those living permanently on these areas during 1986 with allowance for taken protection measures. The obtained results are compared to the prompt assessments made earlier which were used for decision making and with the features of formation of the radiation situation of the territories adjacent to Russia.
Key words
Reconstruction of absorbed doses, external exposure, internal exposure, population of Belarus, contaminated areas, pollution density, individual exposure, 137Cs.
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