Features of background radiation of different St. Petersburg districts

«Radiation and Risk», 2021, vol. 30, No. 3, pp.32-45

DOI: 10.21870/0131-3878-2021-30-3-32-45


Puzyrev V.G. – Head of Dep., Assoc. Prof., C. Sc., Med. Contacts: 2 Litovskaya Str., St. Petersburg, Russia, 194100. Tel.: (812) 542-64-56; e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .
Vasilyeva I.V. – Assoc. Prof., C. Sc., Med.
Zemlyanoi D.A. – Assoc. Prof., C. Sc., Med.
Kapyrina Y.N. – Student. SPbSPMU.
St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University, St. Petersburg


Radiation safety takes an essential part in the megalopolises' ecological system. Nowadays the influence of radiation factor on the biosphere is considered one of the determining factors and it causes the necessity to monitor the environmental and radiation safety of the population. The aim of the study is a comparative assessment of the ambient equivalent dose rate (ADER) of gamma radiation according to automated radiation monitoring system (АSКRО) data and its own measurements in the South-Western district of St. Petersburg. The article presents an analysis of the radiation background of St. Petersburg over the past five years based on the data of the АSКRО, as well as the results of own measurements of the ADER in the South-Western district of St. Petersburg using the dosimeter-radiometer "Ecologist profi". When analyzing the radiation levels of various districts of St. Petersburg, it was found that the regions with a relatively higher level of ADER included the Central and South-Western regions. The results of our own measurements are comparable with the data from АSКRО; there are no significant differences between the data samples. The results of the study show that the АSКRО data can be used for a general description of the radiation situation in certain areas of St. Petersburg, but they can not serve as a substitute for operational radiation control (monitoring). It is necessary to constantly control and monitor the radiation situation in the region in order to obtain information for timely detection of changes in the radiation situation and to prevent possible negative consequences of radiation exposure for the population and the natural environment.

Key words
radiation situation, background radiation, radiation sources, background radiation control system, radiation level, radiation safety, radiation situation monitoring.


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Full-text article (in Russian)