Radiation-migration equivalence of radioactive waste and uranium raw materials in two-component nuclear power
«Radiation and Risk», 2023, vol. 32, No. 3, pp.64-75
DOI: 10.21870/0131-3878-2022-32-3-64-75
Solomatin V.M. – Head of Dep., C. Sc., Biol. Contacts: 2/8 Malaya Krasnoselskaya str., Moscow, Russia, 107410. Tel.: +7(910)916-11-23; e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .Spirin E.V. – Chief Researcher, D. Sc., Biol.; Avramenko S.S. – Chief Specialist. JSC PRORYV.
Joint Stock Company PRORYV, Moscow
An assessment of the potential biological hazard of radioactive waste in deep disposals after reprocessing of spent nuclear fuel of thermal and fast reactors in two-component nuclear power has been carried out. It is shown that when 0.1% of fissile materials, minor actinides and particular fractions of fission products are transferred to radioactive waste with the same contribution to the generated electricity of thermal and fast reactors the time of radiation-migration equivalence occurs after 140 years, and with a 75% contribution of fast reactors after 350 years, with a conservative assumption about the consumption of uranium raw materials only by thermal reactors. The estimation of the uncertainty of the calculation showed that for a sandy soil with a 50% contribution to the generation of electricity from thermal reactors, the time of radiation-migration equivalence varies between the lower and upper quartiles from 60 to 400 years. At the same time, 70% of the results are in the range of up to 200 years, and 90% – up to 400 years.
Key words
two-component nuclear power, radioactive waste, deep disposal, effective dose, thermal and fast reactor, radiation-migration equivalence.
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