Photodynamic therapy for thin endometrium in patients with infertility
«Radiation and Risk», 2023, vol. 32, No. 2, pp.56-65
DOI: 10.21870/0131-3878-2023-32-2-56-65
Arutyunyan N.A. – Obstetrician-Gynecologist, C. Sc., Med. Contacts: 1A, Lithuanian Boulevard, Moscow, 117593, Russia. Tel.: +7 968 728 68 86; e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .Katsalap S.N. – Sen. Researcher, C. Sc., Med.
Akatieva A.S. – Head of Dep., C. Sc., Med.
Khmelevskaya V.F. – Obstetrician-Gynecologist
Alekhin A.I. – Deputy Director, MD, Prof. Central Hospital of the RAS.
Central Clinical Hospital of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow
There is now evidence of certain structural and functional changes in the endometrium that may be etiological factors affecting the reproductive system health. Endometrial hypoplasia and alterations in uterine hemodynamics may cause implantation failure. Because thin endometrium is associated with infertility, early miscarriage and difficulty of treating, further search and use of new therapeutic methods designed on the basis of domestic state-of-the-art technologies is relevant. Effectiveness of intracavitary photodynamic therapy (PDT) for patients with thin endometrium was investigated. Fifty patients at the age of 35.4+-3.3 years with established diagnoses of thin endometrium and infertility were included in the study. All patients were given PDT. Before the treatment the photosensitiser “Photoditazine” was injected intracavitary in the II phase of the menstrual cycle. For irradiation of the uterine cavity the medical apparatus “LAMI” providing laser radiation with wavelength of 660 nm, was used. To distribute evenly the light in the uterine cavity, intrauterine cylinder optical fiber diffuser (OFD «KOVB-660») was used. The average laser power density was 0.05+-0.02 W/cm2, energy density 36.7+-5.9 J/cm2, laser exposure time 11.7+-2.25 min. We found that the use of intracavitary PDT for thin endometrium allows to correct the menstrual cycle, to achieve long-lasting clinical effect, to regenerate the thickness and 3-layer structure of the endometrium, to increase the percentage of recognised pregnancies and to reduce the risk of pregnancy complications.
Key words
photodynamic therapy, endometrial hypoplasia, thin endometrium, infertility, photosen-sitizer, chronic endometritis, miscarriage, hypomenstrual syndrome, pregnancy, laser radiation.
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