Approaches to reducing Cs-137 content in beef produced in radioactively contaminated areas in Mogilev region

«Radiation and Risk», 2018, vol. 27, No. 1, pp.53-65

DOI: 10.21870/0131-3878-2018-27-1-53-65


Miarzlova V.A. – Head of Lab. RIR, Researcher NIEI Mineconomics. Contacts: 16 Feduninski Str., Gomel, Republic of Belarus, 246000. Tel.: +375(29)7438746; e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .
Aheyeva T.N. – Senior Researcher, C. Sc., Vet.
Kopyltsova E.V. – Researcher. RIR.


The article presents analysis and recommendations on reducing 137Cs contamination in beef to the level of 200 Bq/kg, established by the Customs Union. The objective of the study is to develop measures for reduction of 137Cs concentration in beef below the control level of 200 Bq/kg. The developed recommendations are resulted from the analysis of forage and animal production in the most «critical» agricultural enterprises. Examination of local features of fodder growing and excess of 137Cs content in beef allowed development of criteria for dividing the agricultural enterprises into three main categories. The article describes some of the basic approaches used for development of targeted measures to be implemented by a particular enterprise located in radioactively contaminated areas of the Mogilev region, producing beef with specific radioactivity exceeding 200 Bq/kg or by those enterprises which have the possibility to produce meat with 137Cs contamination exceeding control level. These targeted recommendations along with the general guidelines were then integrated into the management system of organizational and production-related actions for beef producers of different groups.

Key words
RDU-99, radioactive contamination, 137Cs, beef, ration of ruminants, final fattening, radiobiological effects, Technical Regulations, Customs Union, TR TS 021/2011.


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Full-text article (in Russian)