Mapping territory of Gomel, Mogilev and Vitebsk regions for complex radon index and radon volume activity in residential buildings

«Radiation and Risk», 2016, vol. 25, No. 4, pp.126-136

DOI: 10.21870/0131-3878-2016-25-4-111-125


Chekhovskij A.L. – Postgraduate Student. Contacts: 32 Sviridova str., Gomel, The Republic of Belarus, 246038. Tel.: +375 (44) 766-54-36; e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .
Drozdov D.N. – Associate Professor, C. Sc., Biol. Skorina Gomel State University.


The paper presents comparison of two methods of data obtaining for creating maps of indoor radon concentration in radioactively contaminated settlements of Gomel, Mogilev, Vitebsk oblasts of Belarus, which are radon-hazard-potential areas. The data were obtained by direct measurement of radon volume activity in dwellings or by calculation of the complex radon index, the product of factors, expressed in relative units, determining radon presence in soil and subsurface material. For creating maps of indoor radon volume activity 2000 measurements using integrated track radon radiometers were made. For designing map with the use of calculated data sets of factors affecting bulk radon activity in the same areas were used. Radon-related adverse conditions in some settlements of Mogilev and Vitebsk oblasts are mapped out. When comparing data obtained by two methods, we did not find statistically significant difference. However, calculation of the complex radon index is the most appropriate approach, which allows reducing financial expenses, time and labor expenditures. It is the informative tool for research on presence of radon in earth material and indoor air with account of radio-ecological and geological features of the area.

Key words
Radon, volume activity, radon progeny, mapping territory, radon-hazard-potential areas, complex radon index, dwelling, integral track radon radiometer, full-scale investigation, radionuclides, effective dose.


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