Population groups with high-risk of late radiation effects

"Radiation and Risk" 1997. Vol. 10, pp.129-136


Akleyev A.V.
Urals Research Center for Radiation Medicine, Chelyabinsk


Based on clinical and epidemiological analysis of the data obtained from long-term follow-up of the residents of the Techa riverside the study presents certain criteria, which can be used to identify high-risk groups (HRG) with respect to carcinogenic radiation effects. The factors of carcinogenic radiation risk have been determined on the basis of the analysis of radiation expo- sure markers (frequency of CD3-CD4+ lymphocytes, genomic translocations in peripheral blood lymphocytes) and biologic markers of susceptibility to cancers conditioned by the status of the highly radio-sensitive immunity system. Carcinogenic radiation risk factors can be taken into consideration along with other cancer risk factors in identifying HRGs among the population ex- posed to radiation.

Key words
Clinical and epidemiological analysis, population, river Techa, high-risk groups, carcinogenic effects of radiation, carcinogenic risk, biologic markers, radiation exposure, cancer, immune system, radiation.


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