Hemostasis values of liquidators of the Chernobyl accident and changes in these characteristics with E-25 therapy

«Радиация и риск». 1994. Том 4, с.78-83


Chekalina S.I., Lyasko L.I., Sushkevich G.N., Nilova E.V.
Medical Radiological Research Center RAMS, Obnins


The status of hemostasis system was studied in people who took part in mitigating the consequences of the Chernobyl accident about 4 years ago. We found activation of intravascular coagulation, increase in thromboxane and renin content, reduction of blood fibrinolytic activity, prostacyclin, 60 -keto PGF1α/thromboxane ratio and cyclic nucleotides with disturbances of theiratior towards relative increase of cAMP. The method of functional load allowed us to detect a decrease in antiaggregation activity of vascular walls and reserve potential of fibrinolysis system indicating the decompensation character of in the functional state of hemostatic hemostasis. After E-25 therapy, the system values have not come to normal. This type of disturbance requires patogenetical correction. .

Key words
Functional state, hemostasis system, elimination of consequences, the Chernobyl NPP accident, activation of intravascular coagulation, increased thromboxane, renin levels, decreased blood fibrinolytic activity, prostacyclin, 60-keto PGF1 * / thromboxane ratio, cyclic nucleotides, reduced antiaggregative activity, wrinkles, wrinkles, wrinkles, deplosion of anti-aggregation activity, wrinkles, depreciation of anti-inflammatory activity reserve capacity, fibrinolysis system.


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