35 years after the Chernobyl accident – do we need rehabilitation measures on agricultural land?
«Radiation and Risk», 2021, vol. 30, No. 4, pp.131-142
DOI: 10.21870/0131-3878-2021-30-4-131-142
Prosyannikov E.V. – Prof., D. Sc. Agr. Contacts: 2a Sovetskaya str., Kokino village, Vygonichsky district, Bryansk region, Russia, 243365. Tel.: +79206047126; e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .Zvereva L.A. – Associate Prof., C. Sc. Econ.
Silaev A.L. – Head of Dep., Associate Prof., C. Sc. Agr. Bryansk SAU.
Bryansk State Agricultural University, Bryansk region
The changes in the density of pollution 137Cs of arable land, hayfields and pastures in the south-west of the Bryansk region are considered. It is noted that the cleansing process is slow, so rehabilitation measures are the main way to reduce the specific activity of the radionuclide in crop and feed production. The paper presents algorithm of calculation. Economic efficiency of agrotechnical and agrochemical rehabilitation of arable land is estimated on results of stationary field experiments. The most economically expedient rehabilitation measures for various soils and densities of radioactive contamination are established: 1) soil sodpodzolic sand, contamination density 137Cs 871 kBq/m2 – in crop rotation barley, clover, corn, winter rye, oats application of lime flour in a dose of 2.1 t/ha + NPK; 2) sod-podzolic sandy loam soil, contamination density 137Cs 2516 kBq/m2 – in crop rotation winter rye, potatoes, barley + perennial grasses, clover + timofeevka of the first year of use, clover + timo-feevka of the second year of use introduction of phosphorite flour in a dose of 288 kg/ha + NPK; 3) sod-podzolic soil light loamy, contamination density 137Cs 901 kBq/m2 – in crop rotation potatoes, barley, corn, oats + perennial grasses, clover + timofeevka of the first year of use, clover + timofeevka of the second year of use, winter rye application of one-and-a-half doses of phosphorus-potassium mineral fertilizer in combination with one dose of nitrogen mineral fertilizer (NP1,5K1,5); 4) sod-podzolic soil is light loamy, contamination density 137Cs 1224 kBq/m2 – in crop rotation potatoes, barley, corn, oats + perennial grasses, clover + timofeevka of the first year of use, clover + timofeevka of the second year of use, application of dolomite flour in a dose of 3 t/ha + manure 120 t/ha + K600. For natural meadows, where rehabilitation measures are not used, an adaptive method of agroecological use is proposed. With a contamination density of 137Cs of more than 185 kBq/m2, it is advisable to harvest a green mass of canary grass stands in the central parts of the floodpubs, which accumulate less radionuclide, grazing animals along the otava is prohibited in order to protect them from radio-active substances that may enter their body with sod and shallow soil. In “near the river bed” and “near terrace” parts of the waterprays, where grass stands accumulate much more 137Cs, grazing of animals is prohibited.
Key words
Chernobyl NPP, 35 years old, Bryansk region, 137Cs, arable land, rehabilitation, economic assessment, natural meadows, adaptive use, radiological assessment.
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