Nonlinear relationship between Sr-90 content in the Koeleria gracilis plants growing in the Semipalatinsk test site and frequency of cytogenetic alterations
«Radiation and Risk», 2021, vol. 30, No. 2, pp.77-88
DOI: 10.21870/0131-3878-2021-30-2-77-88
Geras’kin S. – Head of Lab, D. Sc., Biol., Prof. Contacts: 109 km, Kievskoe Sh., Obninsk, Kaluga region, Russia, 249032. Tel.: +7(484) 399-69-64: e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .Perevolotsky А.N. – Lead. Researcher, D. Sc., Biol.
Perevolotskaya Т.V. – Sen. Researcher, C. Sc., Biol. RIRAE.
Minkenova К.S. – Lead Engineer. IRSE NNC.
Baigazinov Z.А. – Head of Lab, C. Sc., Biol. IRSE NNC, University of Pannonia.
1 2 Institute of Radiation Safety and Ecology, NNC, Kurchatov, Kazakhstan
3 University of Pannonia, Veszprem, Hungary
To construct dose-response curves for basic biological indicators, such as mortality, fertility, radiation-related morbidity, genetic effects, data of experimental studies of acute radiation exposure carried out under controlled conditions within laboratory walls are mainly used. However, the results of experimental research cannot be applied to research of radiation effects on biological species inhabiting and growing in large territories, contaminated with the mixture of alpha-, beta- and gama-emitting radionuclides with different penetrativeness, biological efficiency and mobility in the soilplant system. Large scale study of impact of 90Sr in different concentrations in the Koeleria gracilis plants on the frequency of cytogenetic damage formation. For the study 105 experimental points on the «4A» landing in the Semipalatinsk test site were selected. The landing was earlier used for radioactive substances testing, the 90Sr concentration in plants varied between 102 and 108 Bq/kg. It was the first openair study that allowed researchers to obtain the curve of the relationship between the radioniuclide content in the plants and the frequency of cytogenetic alterations. The threshold for cytogenetic alterations induction in the plants below 1.58x105 Bq/kg was found. At the higher 90Sr concentrations statistically significant increase (p<0.001) in the frequency of cytogenetic alterations induction from <2% to 18% was observed. Among all cytogenetic disorders found in the plants double bridges and fragments occurred more frequently; it indicates that formed cytogenetic alterations were induced by radiation.
Key words
Semipalatinsk test site, radioactive warfare agent, radioactive contamination, 90Sr, volume activity, Koeleria gracilis, cytogenetic effects, nonlinear dependence, threshold concentration.
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