Effect of broadband pulsed-modulated low intensity electromagnetic field on highly organized adaptive behavior of Wistar rats
«Radiation and Risk», 2016, vol. 25, No. 2, pp.67-78
Pavlova L.N. – Lead. Researcher, C. Sc., Med. A. Tsyb MRRC, Obninsk, Russia. Contacts: 4 Korolyov str., Obninsk, Kaluga region, Russia, 249036. Tel.: 8 (484) 399-71-38; e-mail:
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Zhavoronkov L.P. – Deputy Director, MD, C. Sc. A. Tsyb MRRC, Obninsk, Russia.
Lushnikova G.A. – Researcher;
Dubovick B.V.1 – Chief of Farmocology Chair, MD, Prof. Belarus State Medical University, Minsk, Republic of Belarus.
The purpose of the study is to examine effect of chronic exposure of pulsed-modulated low intensity electromagnetic field on highly organized adaptive behavior. Impact of chronic exposure of pulsed poly-frequency electromagnetic radiation on performance of operator’s test in Sidman’s box was studied in Wistar rats trained to perform the test with 80-99% efficiency of «work». The frequency of electromagnetic field varied from 0.475 over 9.8 GHz. For the study various combinations of energy and modulation characteristics were used. The animals were exposed to microwave electromagnetic field during 3-4 months, the interval between exposures was 3-5 days. Regimens of exposure differed by the number of carrier frequencies in a specific range, pulse power (300, 600 mcW/cm2; τ – 25 ms), character of changing pulse sampling (3→1, 6→1 Hz), exposition, existence and duration of intervals (continuous or cyclic exposure). True and false irradiation sessions were alternated. Results of study demonstrate that the rats trained to perform Sidman's avoidance test were sufficiently resistant to chronic exposure of modulated microwave electromagnetic radiation. However, after 3-week cessation the rats previously exposed to electromagnetic radiation performed the test less efficiently than control animals. In addition to that fine disturbances of behavioral activity of trained rats are possible. Two-factor dispersion analysis of pattern of «operator's work» of animals under natural conditions demonstrates psychodepressive effect of short-term exposure of pulse electromagnetic radiation of 9.8 GHz and middle power 30 mcW/sm2, manifested as retardation of the initial phase of performing Sidman's avoidance test.
Key words
Wistar rats, psychophysiological functions, highly organized behavior, preliminary training, broadband electromagnetic influence, nonthermal intensity, pulsed modulation, super high frequency range, operate avoidance test, Sidman’s box, phase of performing.
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