The influence of cell phones electromagnetic radiation on a public health
«Radiation and Risk», 2016, vol. 25, No. 2, pp.43-56
Zhavoronkov L.P. – Deputy Director, MD. A. Tsyb MRRC, Obninsk, Russia.
Petin V.G. – Head of Lab., D.Sc., Biol., Prof. A. Tsyb MRRC, Obninsk, Russia. Contacts: 4 Korolyov str., Obninsk, Kaluga region, Russia, 249036. Tel.: (484) 399-70-08; e-mail:
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This article provides an overview of epidemiological data, dedicated to assessing the impact of electromagnetic radiation (EMR) of cell phones on health. It is stated that the International Agency for Cancer Research at the World Health Organization (WHO) has classified radiofrequency radiation, including cell phone radiation, in 2B group as a possible carcinogenic factor. It is recommended to distinguish a separate risk group for children and teenagers. Currently, the number of cell phones in many countries is higher than the population. This means that all population groups are exposed to EMR, the brain being a critical organ. The United Nation Organization recognizes the health of women and children as one of the fundamental human rights. Data from epidemiological surveys with children and teens, which are active users of cellular phones indicate the possibility of impairment of their attention and memory, a slight increase in the perception time to the auditory signal, change in the work effectiveness. There are some data indicating that if the child started to use a cell phone at an early age, then the probability of brain tumors development to 29 years is higher than in the control group. Russian national committee on protection from non-ionizing radiations recommends that mobile phones should not be given to children and adolescents younger sixteen years of age and pregnant women. The necessity for development of RF safety standards in the context of the health of children and future generations is substantiated.
Key words
Cell phones, electromagnetic fields, electromagnetic radiation, attention, memory, effectiveness, brain tumor, risk groups, children, adolescents.
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