Evolution of the system supporting radiation safety in nuclear industry of Russia and its current status

«Radiation and Risk», 2016, vol. 25, No. 1, pp.47-64


Panfilov A.P. – Advisor General Service, C.Sc., Tech. ROSATOM State Atomic Energy Corporation. Contacts: 24 Bolshaya Ordynka St., Moscow, Russia, 119017. Tel.: (499) 949-26-26; e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .


The article is the Report for the Russian Scientific Commission on Radiological Protection on December 21, 2015 adapted for publication in scientific journal. The report consists information on the 70-year development of the Russian nuclear industry, evolution of the radiological safety system, its current status and topical problems related to legislative support for radiation monitoring nuclear industry. Currently, nuclear industry operation meets national requirements for radiation safety. Reports on exceeding limits established for personnel of nuclear facilities in the National Radiation Safety Standards (NRB-99/2009) are rare and do not harm to health. After publication of ICRP 2007, Publication 103, and new IAEA Basic Radiation Safety Standards 2014 (GSR Part 3) national standards, NRB-99/2009, should be updated and improved. This harmonization of national and international standards is very important for development of international collaboration in nuclear industry. New international approaches to safety control and their adaptation to national practice are frequently discussed at the sessions of the Russian Scientific Commission on Radiological Protection. It was proposed to establish interdepartmental working group for preparing recommendations and coordinate the work on updating national legislation instruments for support of radiation safety in Russia.

Key words
Nuclear industry, radiation safety, radiation protection, regulatory system, staff of nuclear industry, State Corporation Rosatom, dose limits, radiation-induced risk, optimization principle, legislative support.


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Full-text article (in Russian)