Identification of pathways for 3H migration into the Shagan River
«Radiation and Risk», 2013, vol. 22, No. 4, pp.66-73
Aidarkhanov A.O.1 – Head of Dep., Institute of Radiation Safety and Ecology of National Nuclear Center of the Republic of
Kazakhstan, Kurchatov. Contacts:
2 Krasnoarmeyskaya str., Kurchatov, Republic of Kazakhstan, 071100. Tel.: 8(72251)2-74-51; e-mail:
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Esimbekov A.Zh.1 – Engineer, Institute of Radiation Safety and Ecology of National Nuclear Center of the Republic of
Kazakhstan, Kurchatov.
Aktaev M.R.1 – Head of Group., Institute of Radiation Safety and Ecology of National Nuclear Center of the Republic of Kazakhstan,
Anisimov V.S.2 – Head of Lab., C. Sc., Biol., Russian Institute of Agricultural Radiology and Agroecology, Russian
Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Obninsk.
Results of study of concentration of 3H in ground and surface water in the Shagan river valley running in the territory of the Semipalatinsk test site (STS) are presented in the paper. In the area between 4.7 and 7.7 km far from the "Atomic Lake" abnormally high concentration of tritium (about 43000 Bq/kg) in the ground water was detected. Concentration of 3H measured in the ground and surface water was compared with data of geological and geophysical studies carried out in the Shagan river valley. Main pathways of the tritium migration into the surface water of the river were examined. The relationship between the geology of the research area and 3H content in the ground and surface water was found and the basic pathway of 3H transport into the surface water was found, as well. Tectonic faults in the target area of the river are the main pathway for discharging 3H polluted groundwater into the surface water.
Key words
Underground water, ground water, surface water, 3H, "Atomic Lake", tectonic faults, STS, Shagan River.
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