A study into the effectiveness of radiation sterilization of vegetable materials using gamma-emitter GUR-120
«Radiation and Risk», 2013, vol. 22, No. 4, pp.37-42
Pimenov Е.P. – Head of Lab., C. Sc., Biol., Russian Institute of Agricultural Radiology and Agroecology, Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Obninsk. Contacts: Kievskoe Sh., 109 km, Obninsk, Kaluga region, Russia, 249032. Tel.: (48439) 9-69-34; e-mail:
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Pavlov A.N. – Chief of gamma-emitter, Russian Institute of Agricultural Radiology and Agroecology, Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Obninsk.
Kozmin G.V. – Leading Researcher, C. Sc., Biol.,Russian Institute of Agricultural Radiology and Agroecology, Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Obninsk.
Spirin Е.V. – Head of Lab., D.Sc., Biol., Russian Institute of Agricultural Radiology and Agroecology, Russian Academy of
Agricultural Sciences, Obninsk.
Sanzharova N.I. – Deputy Director, Corresponding Member of RAAS, D.Sc., Biol., Prof. RIARAE, Russian Institute of Agricultural Radiology and Agroecology, Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Obninsk.
Results are presented from the study of effectiveness of gamma-emitter GUR-120 (60Co) for treating some types of dry food products to achieve the required levels of microbiological safety. The doses chosen (4 kGy for mold fungi and yeast; 10 kGy for bacteria) are shown to ensure 80-100% efficiency of radiation treatment, its level being significantly dependent on the initial produce infestation. Insufficient evenness of the irradiation field was balanced by the selected mode of products turning. The necessary quality standards in terms of microorganism content for dry foodstuffs are achieved by the use of the study device if the following conditions are met: proper maintenance of the selected irradiation mode, preliminary control of primary infection of products, evenness of radiation exposure.
Key words
Radiation technology, gamma-irradiation, 60Со, radiation sterilization, microorganisms, spices, dried herbs and vegetables.
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