Risk of diseases induced by internal radiation
«Radiation and Risk», 2013, vol. 22, No. 2, pp.7-14
Ivanov V.K. – Chairman of RSCRP, Deputy Director, Corresponding Member of RAMS, Medical Radiological Research Center of the Russian Ministry of Health, Obninsk. Contacts: 4 Korolyov str., Obninsk, Kaluga region, Russia, 249036. Tel.: (48439) 9-33-90; e-mail:
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Korelo A.M. – Lead. Programmer, Medical Radiological Research Center of the Russian Ministry of Health, Obninsk.
Tumanov K.A. – Research Assistant, C. Sc., Biol., Medical Radiological Research Center of the Russian Ministry of Health, Obninsk.
Pryakhin E.A. – Postgraduate Student, Medical Radiological Research Center of the Russian Ministry of Health, Obninsk.
Panfilov A.P.1 – Chief of Dep., DNRS, C. Sc., Tech., State Atomic Energy Corporation “Rosatom”, Moscow.
Raykov C.V.1 – Deputy Director, DNRS, State Atomic Energy Corporation “Rosatom”, Moscow.
Risks of diseases induced by internal radiation for different scenarios of annual exposure to radiation were assessed. In the scenario it is assumed that absorbed doses to organs and tissues are formed mainly due to inhalation of radionuclides. Results of study demonstrate that if internal radiation is due to inhaled radionuclides, organ dose is located in respiratory organs primarily, operational state of NPP is normal, lifetime attributable risk for nuclear workers can be assessed. Effective dose can be considered as approximate estimate of possible harm to health of those exposed to radiation at the age younger than 25 years.
Key words
Radiation risk, staff of the Corporation Rosatom, internal exposure.
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2. Publikatsiia 103 Mezhdunarodnoi komissii po radiatsionnoi zashchite (MKRZ) /Per. s angl., pod obshchei red. M.F.Kiseleva i N.K.Shandaly. Moscow: Izd. OOO PKF «Alana», 2009. 312 p