Environmental risk assessment based on the analysis of critical loads of the ecosystem nearby the regional radioactive waste repository
«Radiation and Risk», 2012, vol. 21, no. 4, pp.66-76
Bakhvalov A.V. – Senior Engineer, Obninsk Institute of Atomic Energy – independent branch of the federal state educational institution of higher education, "National Nuclear Research University" MEPhI" (INPE NRNU MEPhI), Obninsk. Contacts: Dep. of Environment., INPE, Campus 1, Obninsk, Kaluga region, 249040, Russia.
Tel.: (48439) 3-72-12; e-mail:
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Pavlova N.N. – Head of Lab., C. Sc., Biol., Obninsk Institute of Atomic Energy – independent branch of the federal state educational institution of higher education, "National Nuclear Research University" MEPhI" (INPE NRNU MEPhI), Obninsk.
Mirzeabasov O.A. – Associate Prof., C. Sc., Tech., Obninsk Institute of Atomic Energy – independent branch of the federal state educational institution of higher education, "National Nuclear Research University" MEPhI" (INPE NRNU MEPhI), Obninsk.
Rasskazova M.M. – Associate Prof., C. Sc., Biol.,Obninsk Institute of Atomic Energy – independent branch of the federal state educational institution of higher education, "National Nuclear Research University" MEPhI" (INPE NRNU MEPhI), Obninsk.
Lavrent’yeva G.V. – Associate Prof., C. Sc., Biol., Obninsk Institute of Atomic Energy – independent branch of the federal state educational institution of higher education, "National Nuclear Research University" MEPhI" (INPE NRNU MEPhI), Obninsk.
Synzynys B.I. – Prof., D. Sc., Biol., Obninsk Institute of Atomic Energy – independent branch of the federal state educational institution of higher education, "National Nuclear Research University" MEPhI" (INPE NRNU MEPhI), Obninsk.
Glushkov Yu.M. – Associate Prof., C. Sc., Chem., Obninsk Institute of Atomic Energy – independent branch of the federal state educational institution of higher education, "National Nuclear Research University" MEPhI" (INPE NRNU MEPhI), Obninsk.
Developed method for assessing environmental risk based on the analysis of critical loads on the natural ecosystems exposed to anthropogenic impact is presented in the article. The developed approach consists of five stages. The first stage is to determine the impact indicators and assess their magnitudes. The second stage is to identify reference species and the reference indices. The third stage is to identify and analyze critical loads based on assessment of "dose-response" relationship. The fourth step is to estimate an environmental risk associated with critical loads. The fifth stage is to compare the obtained estimates with acceptable risk values. On the basis of risk data the state of the study area should be recognized as unsatisfactory – the risk exceeds the acceptable level by 43 % and 56 % depending on the critical characteristics.
Key words
Еnvironmental risk, reference species, reference indices, "dose-response" relationship, critical load, heavy metals, natural radionuclides, radioactive strontium.
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