Present-day radiation doses on population and river biota near Siberian Chemical Combine (2000-2010)
«Radiation and Risk», 2012, vol. 21, no. 4, pp.24-30
Lunyova K.V.1 – Researcher, Federal State Budget Institution “Research and Production Association “Typhoon”, Obninsk. Contacts: 4 Pobeda str., Obninsk, Kaluga region, Russia, 249038. Tel.: (48439) 7-17-69; e-mail:
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Kryshev A.I.1 – Head of Lab., D. Sc., Biol., Federal State Budget Institution “Research and Production Association “Typhoon”, Obninsk.
Pahomov A.U.2 – Senior Researcher, C. Sc., Biol., Fund of Ecological Safety of Energy, Moscow.
Pahomova I.A.2 – Senior Researcher, Fund of Ecological Safety of Energy, Moscow.
Estimated radiation doses on river biota near “Siberian Chemical Combine” (SCC) are presented in this work. There are averaged dose rates on population as a result of consumption of fish and water at the border of SCC control area before (2000-2008) and after (2009-2010) reactors decommissioning. Results of the comparative analysis of estimated radiation doses on population and biota with established exposure limit of population and recommended exposure limits of biota.
Key words
River biota, radiation doses, Siberian Chemical Combine, dose on population.
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