«Radiation and Risk», 2012, vol. 21, No. 1
Section 1. Scientific Articles
Optimization of social protection of the State Corporation personnel "Rosatom" in compliance with international standards of estimating individual radiation risks
Ivanov V.K., Kalinina M.Yu.1, Korelo A.M., Maksioutov M.A., Bulavinov D.V.1, Kashcheeva P.V.
«Radiation and Risk», 2012, vol. 21, no. 1, pp.5-19
Monitoring of the frequency of lymphocytes with mutations at T-cell receptor locus in Chernobyl cleanup workers
Smirnova S.G., Orlova N.V., Zamulaeva I.A., Tkachenko N.P., Lozebnoy N.I.,
Kaplan M.A., Tumanov K.A., Kashcheev V.V., Ivanov V.K., Saenko A.S.
«Radiation and Risk», 2012, vol. 21, no. 1, pp.20-29
The dynamics of thyroid diseases incidence in the period before puberty at children from southwest region of the Kaluga oblast irradiated in utero owing to technogenic iodine-131 incorporation
Gorobets V.F.
«Radiation and Risk», 2012, vol. 21, no. 1, pp.30-38
Analysis of effects of low dose radiation on cancer incidence
Petin V.G., Pronkevich M.D.
«Radiation and Risk», 2012, vol. 21, no. 1, pp.39-57
The estimation of the modification of the rat radiation injury by the cytotoxic serum
Ivanov V.L., Zhavoronkov L.P.
«Radiation and Risk», 2012, vol. 21, no. 1, pp.58-65