Potentialities of digital X-ray in the diagnosis of features of cutaneous melanoma metastatic spread to thoracic organs
«Radiation and Risk», 2011, vol. 20, no. 2, pp.29-35
Afanasova N.V. – Senior Res., C. Sc., Med. Medical Radiological Research Center of the Russian Ministry of Health
and Social Development, Obninsk. Contacts: 4 Korolyov str., Obninsk, Kaluga Region, Russia, 249036. Tel: (48439) 9-33-55; e-mail:
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Degtyaryov V.A. – Lead. Res., MD. Medical Radiological Research Center of the Russian Ministry of Health
and Social Development, Obninsk.
Zakurdyaeva I.G. – Radiologist, C. Sc., Med. Medical Radiological Research Center of the Russian Ministry of Health and Social Development, Obninsk.
Proshina Yu.V. – Researcher. Medical Radiological Research Center of the Russian Ministry of Health
and Social Development, Obninsk.
The results of clinical, radiological (digital X-ray, CT, MSCT) lung examinations, 5-10 years follow-up in 288 patients were analyzed. Disseminated cutaneous melanoma was diagnosed in 139 of 288 patients (48.3%). In 84 of these 139 patients (60.4%) lung metastases were detected. The sensitivity of digital X-ray in the detection of solitary and multiple lung metastases with diameter >0.5 cm was 87.5% and 100.0% respectively. CT and MSCT were superior to digital X-ray in the detection of metastases with diameter <0.5 cm. The order of tumor spread to regional lymphatic nodes, lungs and other visceral organs was defined. In 77.8 % of cases the maximal duration of pulmonary phase of dissemination during complex treatment was 6 months.
Key words
Melanoma, metastases, digital X-ray, spread.
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