The concept of optimization of the radiation protection system in the nuclear industry: management of individual carcinogenic risks and provision of targeted medical care
"Radiation and Risk", 2004, Special Issue, pp.4-62
AuthorsIvanov V.K., Tsyb A.F., Agapov A.M. 1, Panfilov A.P. 1, Kaidalov O.V., Gorsky A.I., Maxyutov M.A., Chekin S.Yu., God'ko A.M., Suspicin Yu.V.2, Vaiser V.I.3, Kozlov E.P.4, Epikhin A.I.4
GU - Medical Radiological Research Center of RAMS, Obninsk.
1 Federal Atomic Energy Agency, Moscow.
2 Central Health Hospital No. 8, Obninsk.
3 SSC RF - IPPE, Obninsk.
4 Leningrad NPP, Sosnovy Bor.
In this paper, we give a comprehensive solution to the three main problems of optimizing radiation protection in the nuclear industry (based on the example of the staff of the SSC RF - IPPE named after A.I. Leipunsky and Leningrad NPP):
1. Radiation risks estimation of induction of oncological diseases with prolonged irradiation and their comparison with existing international recommendations.
2. Identification of groups of potential risk (GPR) at the individual level.
3. Development of basic principles for implementing targeted medical care technology.
It should be noted that for the first time in this paper the conclusions of radiation epidemiological studies on the assessment of risks for personnel in the conditions of normal operation of nuclear industry enterprises are given.
Optimization of radiation protection, nuclear industry, assessment of radiation risks, induction of cancer, radiation, personnel risks, dose-effect analysis, oncological morbidity, cohort.
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