Incidence in grandchildren of persons with professional, chronic and combined radiation exposure
«Radiation and Risk», 2002, vol. 13, pp.38-41
Petrushkina N.P., Patrusheva N.V., Erokhin R.A., Fedorenko E.P., Chemarina D.V., Usanova I.G., Titorenko V.A.
Incidence was assessed in 1010 grandchildren of radiochemical facility workers who had been professionally exposed to external, primarily γ-radiation and 239Pu aerosols in the period when the production was building up. The analysis of incidence indicators in the followed-up children from birth to three years old has not revealed any increase in the general incidence, frequency of congenital developmental anomalies and neoplasms in the studied groups as compared with the group of grandchildren of persons living in the same area at the same time, but unexposed to ionizing radiation.
Key words
Morbidity of grandchildren, workers in a radiochemical enterprise, occupational exposure to fathers, external γ-radiation, 239Pu aerosols, general morbidity, frequency of congenital malformations, ionizing radiation.
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