Analysis of information of dosimetric significance received in course of survey of Chernobyl clean-up workers
«Radiation and Risk», 2002, vol. 13, pp.73-79
Musiyachenko N.V., Chumak V.V., Bakhanova E.V.
Scientific Center for Radiation Medicine AMSU, Kiev.
А postal survey of 14347 liquidators who are included into the Ukrainian State Registry (SR) and have official dose records was undertaken. The purpose of the survey was to collect the data on affiliation of liquidators, places and types of performed work as well as methods of do- simetry which were used during the clean-up activity. In return, 5263 completed questionnaires were received. According to results of the survey, the majority of liquidators (86%) belongs to the category of military reservists. The group-commitment method of dosimetry was prevalent for this group (41%). Personal dosimeters were used by 19% of respondents only. 60% of the interviewed liquidators participated in the decontamination work and 62% performed their task on the industrial site of the ChNPP. The doses indicated by the liquidators in the questionnaire, as a rule, agreed with the values contained in the SR, which suggests that survey can further be used for filling in the gap in dosimetric information of the Registry (as is known, only about 50% of liquidators registered in SR have the dose record).
Key words
Liquidators, radiation dose estimation, interrogation, dose control, calculation group method, personal dosimeters, decontamination works, dosimetric information.
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