Logical models of disease structures for 1986-1999 participants in the elimination of the Chernobyl accident and / or men living in the affected area and having malignant neoplasms of the respiratory system
«Radiation and Risk», 2002, vol. 13, pp.56-59
Scheglov V.N., Buchel V.F., Khromushin V.A.
Computer health center of Tula region, Tula
In this paper, we propose to use the method developed by the authors to construct algebraic models of constructive logic (AMKL) for calculating the conclusions that generalize large arrays of original multidimensional data. These conclusions can be used to analyze the health status of participants in the liquidation of the Chernobyl accident and/or men living in the affected areas. Boolean models that reflect a set of characteristics (the existence or absence of various diseases) that correspond to the presence of malignant neoplasms of respiratory organs in certain groups of patients are discussed.
Key words
Method of construction, algebraic models, constructive logic, large arrays, initial multidimensional data, analysis, health status, participants in the liquidation of the accident, Chernobyl NPP.
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