"Radiation and Risk", 2001, vol. 12
Section 1. Normative Documents
Section 2. Materials of All-Russia Medical and Dosimetric State Registry
Current status of the RMNDR
Maksyutov M.A..
"Radiation and Risk", 2001, Vol. 12, pp.16-23
Development of GIS technologies for reconstructing the parameters of the radiation situation in populated areas of the contaminated regions of the Russian Federation to provide epidemiological calculations based on official data
Vlasov O.K., God'ko A.M., Shishkanov N.G., Shchukina N.V.
"Radiation and Risk". 2001. Vol. 12, pp.24-41
Section 3. Scientific Articles
Dynamics of the morphological and functional state of thyroid in utero irradiated children from the south-west part of the Kaluga region during the first ten years after the Chernobyl accident
Tsyb A.F., Matveenko E.G., Gorobets V.F., Borovikova M.P., Temnikova E.I., Gorobets N.Ya.
"Radiation and Risk". 2001. Vol. 12, pp.42-47
Assessment of radiation risks of solid cancer incidence among the liquidators of the Chernobyl accident (the cohort studies for the follow-up period 1986-1996)
Ivanov V.K., Rastopchin E.M., Gorsky A.I., Maksioutov M.A., Matiash V.V., Tsyb A.F.
"Radiation and Risk". 2001. Vol. 12, pp.48-61
Analysis of incidence and mortality for malignant neoplasms of the digestive system among the liquidators in 1986-1997
Biryukov A.P., Ivanova I.N., Gorsky A.I, Petrov A.V., Matyash V.A.
"Radiation and Risk". 2001. Vol. 12, pp.62-81
Radio-epidemiological analysis of incidence of non-cancer diseases among the Chernobyl liquidators
Ivanov V.K., Maksioutov M.A., Chekin S.Yu., Kruglova Z.G., Petrov A.V., Tsyb A.F., Ivanov S.I.1
"Radiation and Risk". 2001. Vol. 12, pp.82-98
Ionizing radiation as a risk factor in development of malignant neoplasms of the digestive system (scientific review)
Biryukov A.P., Ivanov V.K., Maksioutov M.A., Ivanova I.N.
"Radiation and Risk". 2001. Vol. 12, pp.99-108
Malignant neoplasms of the genitourinary system of irradiated individuals (scientific review)
Biryukov A.P., Ivanov V.K., Maksioutov M.A., Kochergina E.V.
"Radiation and Risk". 2001. Vol. 12, pp.109-120
Combined biological effect of ionizing radiation and other hazardous environmental factors (scientific review)
Petin V.G., Dergacheva I.P., Zhurakovskaya G.P.
"Radiation and Risk". 2001. Vol. 12, pp.117-134
Estimation of the ratio of Sr-90 and Cs-137 activities in the Chernobyl depositions in the territory of the Russian Federation
Ermilov A.P., Ziborov A.M.
"Radiation and Risk". 2001. Vol. 12, pp.135-134
Section 4. News from the All-Russia Scientific Commission on Radiation Protection
Information about the meetings of the RRPC
"Radiation and Risk". 2001. Vol. 12, pp.140-150
Section 5. International Scientific Cooperation
"Radiation and Risk". 2001. Vol. 12, pp.151-152
Section 6. Current Scientific Information
Incoming to the bibliographic database of the Medical Radiological Research Center of Russian Academy of Medical Sciences Chernobyl in 2000.
"Radiation and Risk". 2001. Vol. 12, pp.153-165