Epidemiological aspects of radiation carcinogenesis (Scientific review)
"Radiation and Risk", 1995, vol. 6, pp. 78-122
Tsyb A.F., Ivanov V.K., Biryukov A.P., Efendiyev V.A.1
Medical Radiological Research Center of RAMS, Obninsk;
1 Department of Health, Administration of Kaluga Region
An effort by the authors of this review was made to combine results of activity of the great majority of research workers in different lines. In this connection the work presented does not raise the problem of comprehensive description of radiation carcinogenesis throughout its variety and complexity. It is the authors opinion that even a cursory analysis conducted on all radiationdependent problems of carcinogenesis will provide a better view of basic directions of scientificpractical activity aimed at studying the epidemiological peculiarities of radiation-induced malignant growth. A series of questions, for example, the theory of carcinogenesis is presented very schematized and meant for the most diverse sections of readers. In addition the volume of publication does not allow to discuss all types of malignant neoplasms developing after radiation action, therefore in the text the data about only so-called solid tumours are listed among which particular emphasis has been placed on localizations having the most evident connection with the action of ionizing radiation. Epidemiological features of developing malignant neoplasms under the action of ionizing radiation, one of the factors of the environment taking part in forming the current carcinogenic situation, are discussed extensively.
Key words
Radiation carcinogenesis, radiation-induced malignant growth, malignant neoplasms, radiation effects, solid tumors, ionizing radiation.
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