Radiation and Epidemiological System Analysis of the Registry Data on Persons Involved in Recovery Operations
"Radiation and Risk", 1992, vol. 2, pp. 68-109
Tsyb A.F., Ivanov V.K., Airapetov S.A., Gagin E.A.,Konogorov A.P., Maksyutov M.A., Rastopchin E.M., Rozhkov O.V., Saakyan A.K., Stadnik O.E., Chekin S.Yu.
Medical Radiological Research Center RAMS, Obninsk
The paper presents, for the first operations following the Chernobyl accident.The analysis includes an aggregate description of medical, dosimetric and demographic data on the liquidators,estimated mortality and morbidity rates for the time elapsed after the accident, and a forecast of long-term stochastic effects of radiation exposure. The results so far obtained should be regarded as preliminary, since much time, epidemiological analysis of the All-Russia Medical and Dosimetric State Registry data on persons involved in recovery work is still to be done to obtain veritable estimates of radiation doses the liquidators were exposed to.
Key words
Radiation-epidemiological analysis, data from the Russian State Medical and Dosimetric Register, liquidation participants, consequences, the Chernobyl NPP accident, liquidators, estimates of mortality and morbidity rates, forecast of long-term stochastic effects, radiative forcing.
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