Data from the Russian National Medical Dosimetry Registry (RNMDR)
"Radiation and Risk", 1992, vol. 1, pp.80-131
Based on the experience of creating an allied system of the State Register, retaining mainly the goals, objectives and operating procedures, the Russian National Medical Dosimetry Registry (RNMDR) was created in Obninsk in 1991.
The RNMDR includes three levels of observation:
1) state level RNMDR,
2) the regional level of RNMDR,
3) District level of RNMDR.
The head organization of the RGMDR is the Research Institute of Medical Radiology of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences (Obninsk). Information is transmitted to the state level of the RGMDR from the regional and district levels through interregional regional centers as defined by the order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 79 of March 9, 1992.
The following operating order is established at the RGMDR.
At the district level, the RNMDR - the collection, accumulation, storage and updating of information on observed persons is carried out on the basis of the aforementioned order, which approved:
- Registration card surveyed.
- Coding card.
- Dosimetry registration list.
- A map of changes.
Before getting to the state level, the data on the clinical examination of identified groups of people go through a difficult path: filling out source documents at the Central Regional Hospital, and in cities - at city hospitals, examining them, transferring information to magnetic media, logical control of data before sending arrays to the state level of RGMDR in Obninsk, where the final logical machine control is performed. It should be noted that such a control system has ensured the satisfactory quality of the documents adopted at the state level of the RSMDR.
The RGMDR includes three main support subsystems:
- organizational-medical;
- software matsmatik;
- dosimetric.
The first subsystem includes the Regulation on the RNMDR, the development of instructions and recommendations on how to correctly fill out the above documents at the district level and transfer information to machine carriers.
The second subsystem - the software and software of the RNMDR - consists of two main blocks: an information databank and a data analysis and processing subsystem.
The third subsystem, the dosimetric support of the RNMDR, allows automated accounting, calculation, and transfer to the database of individual absorbed doses of internal and external radiation accumulated in the thyroid gland and throughout the body.
RNMDR, data, clinical examination, registration card, dosimetry data, analysis and data processing, individual absorbed doses, external, internal, irradiation, thyroid.
Introduction to the All-Russia medical and dosimetric state registry structure and functioning (in Russian)
Short review of the summcrized information (in Russian)
Tables of out-put information (Tables 9-27) (in Russian)