«Radiation and Risk», 2022, vol. 31, No. 4
Chief Editor Page
Section 1. Scientific Articles
In memory of V.G. Petin
Dynamics of thyroid cancer incidence in the population of Russia: main risk factors
Ivanov V.K.1, Gorski A.I.1, Polkin V.V.1, Andreev V.G.1, Kashcheev V.V.1, Tumanov K.A.1, Ivanov S.A.1,3, Kaprin A.D.2,3,4
«Radiation and Risk», 2022, vol. 31, No. 4, pp.6-20Software module for assessing the achievement of radiological equivalence (ROZA-RAO)
Menyajlo A.N., Chekin S.Yu., Lovachev S.S., Tumanov K.A., Ivanov V.K.
«Radiation and Risk», 2022, vol. 31, No. 4, pp.21-33Estimating uncertainties in external and internal radiation doses in people resided in contaminated regions of Russia after the Chernobyl accident with the use of instrumental data
Vlasov O.K.1, Bruk G.Ya.2, Zvonova I.A.2, Shchukina N.V.1
«Radiation and Risk», 2022, vol. 31, No. 4, pp.34-52Method for assessing the radiation risks of the solid cancer incidence accounting for possible diagnostic errors
Gorski A.I., Chekin S.Yu., Maksioutov M.A., Shchukina N.V., Kochergina E.V., Zelenskaya N.S., Lashkova O.E.
«Radiation and Risk», 2022, vol. 31, No. 4, pp.53-63Impact of chronic radiation exposure on phytohormonal status of pine trees in the Chernobyl exclusion zone
Bitarishvili S.V., Geras’kin S.A., Shesterikova E.M., Prazyan A.A.
«Radiation and Risk», 2022, vol. 31, No. 4, pp.64-72Assessment of plutonium isotopes content in soil at the vicinity of the radioactive waste storage facility in Obninsk
Edomskaya M.A., Lukashenko S.N., Shupik A.A., Korovin S.V., Tomson A.V.
«Radiation and Risk», 2022, vol. 31, No. 4, pp.73-81Radiation situation in the area of the State Scientific Centre "Research Institute of Atomic Reactors" before putting a multi-purpose fast neutron reactor into operation. Part 2. Freshwater ecosystems
Panov A.V., Isamov N.N., Tsygvintsev P.N., Kuznetsov V.K., Geshel I.V.
«Radiation and Risk», 2022, vol. 31, No. 4, pp.82-93Accumulation of Cs-137 and Sr-90 by lettuce culture (Lactuca sativa L.) from radioactively contaminated soils of the former Semipalatinsk test site
Polivkina Ye.N.1, Ponomaryova T.S.2, Mendubaev A.T.1, Kenzhebaev R.A.1, Nemytova L.A.1, Ivanova A.R.1, Kenzhina L.B.2, Panitskiy A.V.
«Radiation and Risk», 2022, vol. 31, No. 4, pp.94-106Agrochemical aspects of the rehabilitation of radioactively contaminated flood meadows of the Bryansk region
Chesalin S.F., Smolsky E.V.
«Radiation and Risk», 2022, vol. 31, No. 4, pp.107-118Intracavitary «in vivo» dosimetry at the high dose rate brachytherapy in oncogynecology
Bogacheva V.V.1, Stepanenko V.F.1, Krikunova L.I.1, Petukhov A.D.1, Kulieva, G.Z.1, Kolyshenkov T.V.1, Zharova E.P.2, Korotkov V.A.1, Ivanov S.A.1,3, Shegay P.V.2, Kaprin A.D.2,3
«Radiation and Risk», 2022, vol. 31, No. 4, pp.119-131Transcription factors as potential markers of carcinogenic effects of chronic exposure. Review
Kodintseva E.A.
«Radiation and Risk», 2022, vol. 31, No. 4, pp.132-147Using the unified model for calculating energy absorbed fractions from incorporated emitters of monoenergetic electrons and photons in bio-objects composed from various materials
Sazykina T.G.
«Radiation and Risk», 2022, vol. 31, No. 4, pp.148-150The study of practical experience in the purification and protection of api-products from radioactive contamination in the period from 1986-1989 for use in modern food production
Prokhoda I.A., Myasnikova E.N., Sinitsyn R.V., Feshchenko V.V.
«Radiation and Risk», 2022, vol. 31, No. 4, pp.148-150