«Radiation and Risk», 2022, vol. 31, No. 1
Section 1. Scientific Articles
Correlation between potential radiation-induced carcinogenic risks associated with WWER-1000 spent nuclear fuel and BREST-1200 radiation waste in case of annual generation of 1 GW of electricity. Part 1. Radiological equivalence
Ivanov V.K.1,2, Lopatkin A.V.2, Adamov E.O.2, Menyajlo A.N.1, Chekin S.Yu.1, Kashcheeva P.V.1, Korelo A.M.1, Tumanov K.A.1
«Radiation and Risk», 2022, vol. 31, No. 1, pp.5-14Assessment of the radiation safety of the population of the Bryansk region districts contaminated after the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant based on radiation risks calculation, considering risk uncertainties
Menyajlo A.N., Chekin S.Yu., Vlasov O.K., Maksioutov М.А., Kashcheev V.V., Korelo A.M., Tumanov K.A., Shchukina N.V., Pryakhin E.A., Ivanov V.K.
«Radiation and Risk», 2022, vol. 31, No. 1, pp.15-28Features of age-related changes in the skin in people living near uranium tailings in mountains
Isupova A.A.
«Radiation and Risk», 2022, vol. 31, No. 1, pp.29-39Combined effects of chronic ionizing radiation and repeated laser exposure on cognitive functions of rats
Kolganova O.I., Izmestyeva O.S., Panfilova V.V., Zhavoronkov L.P.
«Radiation and Risk», 2022, vol. 31, No. 1, pp.40-48Pharmacokinetic modeling and dosimetric planning of radionuclide therapy of bone metastases
Matveev A.V.
«Radiation and Risk», 2022, vol. 31, No. 1, pp.49-63Sixty years of manned space flight in the light of Russian legislation in the field of radiation safety. Basic principles in the ICRP recommendations and in Russian law. Part 1 (in the order of discussion)
Sakovich V.A.
«Radiation and Risk», 2022, vol. 31, No. 1, pp.64-73Empirical models for predicting the secondary metachronous tumor after chemoradiation therapy of the primary tumor in the clinical examination of cancer patients
Shunko E.L.1, Vazhenin A.V.2, Shanazarov N.A.3
«Radiation and Risk», 2022, vol. 31, No. 1, pp.74-82Risk of endemic non toxic goiter in Chernobyl liquidators and nuclear industry employees
Tukov A.R., Shafransky I.L., Biryukov A.P., Prokhorova O.N., Orlov Yu.V., Kalinina M.V.
«Radiation and Risk», 2022, vol. 31, No. 1, pp.83-92Adaptive response as a criterion for assessing individual human radiosensitivity. Review
Kogarko I.N.1, Akleev A.V.2,3, Petushkova V.V.1, Neyfakh Е.А.1, Kogarko B.S.1, Ktitorova O.V.1, Ganeev I.I.1, Kuzmina N.S.1,4, Selivanova E.I.1,5
«Radiation and Risk», 2022, vol. 31, No. 1, pp.93-104On the issue of the relationship between the characteristics of areas with dispersed radioactive contamination and the need for their remediation
Biryukov D.V., Samoylov A.A., Frolova O.B.
«Radiation and Risk», 2022, vol. 31, No. 1, pp.105-114Fast neutrons irradiation as a way to overcome feline squamous cell carcinoma radioresistance: a pilot study
Rodionov M.V.1, Koryakin S.N.1, Saburov V.O.1, Moiseev A.S.1, Petrova Yu.V.1, Shegay P.V.2, Ivanov S.A.1, Kaprin A.D.2
«Radiation and Risk», 2022, vol. 31, No. 1, pp.115-126Hyperfractionated irradiation for early laryngeal cancer
Semenov A.V., Gordon K.B., Rozhnov V.A., Gulidov I.A., Gogolin D.V., Radzhapova M.U., Medvedeva K.E.
«Radiation and Risk», 2022, vol. 31, No. 1, pp.127-135Two-stage Gamma Knife radiosurgery for brain metastases
Medvedeva K.E.1, Baulin A.A.2, Lepilina O.G.1, Kvashnin K.M.2, Ilyalov S.R.2
«Radiation and Risk», 2022, vol. 31, No. 1, pp.136-149