Development of information system to analyse the consequences of radiation accidents
«Radiation and Risk», 2019, vol. 28, No. 3, pp.24-35
DOI: 10.21870/0131-3878-2019-28-3-24-35
Aron D.V. – Researcher. IBRAE RAN. Contacts: 52 Bolshaya Tulskaya str., Moscow, Russia, 115191.
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Nuclear Safety Institute of the RAS, Moscow.
In relation to the need to assess the social and economic consequences of large-scale evacuation in the accident at the Fukushima-1 nuclear power plant in Japan, it is necessary to make appropriate independent calculations based on open-access socio-economic and radiation situation data of the affected areas. An information system was specifically developed to process a substantial amount of data which was accumulated during the period 2011-2017 on the population, territory and radiation situation in Japan. The system was used for assessment of population, affected land areas and economic resources in the official zones of evacuation and resettlement. The assessments of direct economic damage caused by territory contamination and large-scale evacuation measures were considered. The expected individual and collective radiation doses to the population and the doses prevented by the protective measures have been also calculated. Alternative evacuation scenarios based on milder dose criteria were considered and estimates of possible savings in the implementation of these criteria were obtained.
Key words
radiation accident, protection of population, evacuation, resettlement, information system, socio-economic consequences, economic damage,
radiation exposure dose, radiation risk, compensations.
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