The creation and verification of a mutually agreed database of input information of the simulation model of transport of radionuclides Cs-137 and I-131 along the food chain on instrumental radioecological data (based on the materials of the "Prague" and "Warsaw" scenarios of the IAEA EMRAS project)
«Radiation and Risk», 2019, vol. 28, No. 3, pp.5-23
DOI: 10.21870/0131-3878-2019-28-3-5-23
Vlasov O.K.1 – Head of Lab., D.Sc., Tech. Contacts: 4 Korolyov str., Obninsk, Kaluga region, Russia, 249036.
Tel.: (484) 399-32-45; e-mail:
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Krajewski P.2 – Director, Prof. CLOR.
Bartuskova M.3 – Head of Lab., Ph.D. Branch of SURO.
Malatova I.4 – Senior Researcher, C.Sc., Phys. SURO.
Shchukina N.V.1 – Senior Researcher.
Chekin S.Yu.1 – Head of Lab.
Tumanov K.А.1 – Head of Lab., C. Sc., Biol. A. Tsyb MRRC.
Zvonova I.A.5 – Main Researcher, D.Sc., Tech. P. Ramzaev RIRH.
1 A. Tsyb MRRC, Obninsk.
2 Central Laboratory for Radiological Protection (CLOR), Warsaw, Poland.
3 Branch of National Radiation Protection Institute (SURO), Ostrava, Czech Republic.
4 National Radiation Protection Institute (SURO), Prague, Czech Republic.
5 P. Ramzaev Research Institute of Radiation Hygiene, Saint-Petersburg.
The technology of creating a mutually consistent database of input data of the simulation radioecological model after a radiation accident with the emission of products into the atmosphere is presented. The data set for the objects of study (the settlements or their areas) includes the average for the period of major deposition or time dependences of specific volume activities of 137Cs in the atmosphere, precipitation during the deposition period, the deposition density of 137Cs. Data deposition densities of 137Cs in the territories of the Central parts of the regions of Mazovia (Poland) and Bohemia (Czech Republic) after the Chernobyl accident, weather rainfall and instrumental data on the dynamics of activities of 131I and 137Cs in the atmosphere indicated weak spatial variability, indicating a relatively homogeneous structure of the parameters of radioactive contamination of the atmosphere and weak local rainfall in the period of major radioactive fallout in these regions. The maximum values of specific volume activities of 131I and 137Cs in the atmosphere during the first peak of deposition in Bohemia and Mazovia are almost the same. In Mazovia, in the period from 11 to 13 days after the accident, in contrast to Bohemia, there was a second peak of 131I and 137Cs activities in the atmosphere with their maximum values about an order of magnitude smaller than in the first peak. The integrals of the specific volume activity of 131I and 137Cs in kBq/m3day was in Mazovia 0.39 and 0,023 respectively. In Bohemia – 0.2 and 0.03 respectively. The average value of the ratio of specific volume activities 131I to 137Cs in the atmosphere of Mazovia for the period of the main fallout was 17.2, which is 2.3 times more than in Bohemia, equal to 7.1. The inconsistency of the input data base is manifested in significant differences in the instrumental deposition densities of 137Cs in settlements and reconstructed by the direct calculation model: activity of 137Cs in the atmosphere – precipitation meteorological data. To match the input data, the models of homogeneous clouds heterogeneous precipitation and heterogeneous clouds – homogeneous precipitation. In General, for human settlements, the direct calculation of 137Cs deposition densities from the inconsistent data model (homogeneous cloud – precipitation data) provides a significant difference from both the instrumental data and the harmonized data models (homogeneous cloud – heterogeneous effective precipita-tion) and (heterogeneous cloud – homogeneous precipitation data). Moreover, the greater the drop density of 137Cs. With the existing dynamics of the parameters of radionuclide activity in the atmosphere, the effect of precipitation on the precipitation density of 131I and 137Cs and specific activity of 131I and 137Cs in vegetation begins to appear only at their values greater than 0.2 mm. For grass, it ends at precipitation greater than 1-2 mm. For 131I, this effect is less than for 137Cs. Regional differences in the dynamics of activity of 137Cs and 131I in the atmosphere led to the fact that the density of "dry" deposition of 131I and its precipitation of 10 mm on vegetation were 1.8 and 2.1 times higher than in Bohemia, and for 137Cs – less, respectively, 1.8 and 1.4 times. In fact, this means that in the same ratio were the doses of internal exposure to the thyroid gland and doses to the entire body of the population of Mazovia and Bohemia. The use of mutually agreed data, primarily precipitation during deposition and pollution parameters of the atmosphere, leads to an adequate reproduction of the measured data on the deposition densities of 137Cs in the area, to significant reduction of uncertainties of transport of 137Cs and 131I in the food chain and as a consequence a more accurate reconstruction of internal radiation doses of the population of the contaminated areas.
Key words
Chernobyl accident, simulation model in radioecological studies, IAEA project EMRAS, activity of 137Cs and 131I in atmosphere,
forms of 131I in atmosphere, precipitation over the period of deposition, deposition density of 137Cs on soil, verification of
the radioecological model, transport of radionuclides in the food chain, reconstruction of internal radiation doses.
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