Thermoluminescent dosimetry of people residing in the vicinity of the Rooppur NPP construction site (People's Republic of Bangladesh)

"Radiation and Risk", 2018, vol. 27, No. 3, pp.65-78

DOI: 10.21870/0131-3878-2018-27-3-65-78


Panov A.V. – Deputy Director, D. Sc., Biol., Prof. Russian Institute of Radiology and Agroecology, Obninsk. Contacts: 109 km, Kievskoe Sh., Obninsk, Kaluga region, Russia, 249032. Tel. (484) 399-69-59; e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .
Kurbakov D.N. – Researcher. Russian Institute of Radiology and Agroecology, Obninsk.
Yakushkin V.S. – Head of Lab. A.I. Leypunsky Institute for Physics and Power Engineering, Obninsk.


First-time thermoluminiscent dosimetry was used for measurement of external radiation doses to people residing in the vicinity of the Rooppur NPP construction site, Bangladesh. At present in this area the residents receive external dose from natural radiation, their average radiation dose is 1.68 mSv/a. External radiation doses in the area surrounded the construction site, as well as the back-ground radiation, are uniformly distributed, dose diversity range lies within 0.82 to 2.6 mSv/a. Con-tribution of “transport” dose to dose accumulated by TL dosimeters for 6 months was 8.5% on the average. External radiation doses to those residing in stone houses in the area under study was slightly lower than doses received during outdoor activities. No reliable differences in the radiation dose value to residents and professionals was found. Doses measured by TL dosimeter and back-ground radiation were slightly higher than average doses in the region. This increase is due to ex-cavation of large amount of subsoil during construction and engineering work. Mean annual radia-tion dose to people residing in the vicinity of the Rooppur NPP construction site is integral dose, it cosnsists global dose from natural radionuclides and cosmic radiation and the dose measured by TL dosimeter. Total mean annual radiation dose from natural sources to peoplw residing in the vi-cinity of the NPP construction site was 4.5-5.5 mSv/a. TL dosimetry data can be used in the future for evaluating effect of the Rooppur NPP operation on radiological situation in the region.

Key words
Thermoluminescent dosimetry, external radiation, individual dosimetric control, radiation monitoring, dose rate, natural radiation sources, gamma-radiation background, “transport dose”, observation zone population, Rooppur NPP.


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Full-text article (in Russian)