Environmental health assessment based on agricultural plants responses to ionizing radiation
«Radiation and Risk», 2015, vol. 24, No. 1, pp.118-131
Ulyanenko L.N.1 – Lead. Researcher, D.Sc., Biol., Prof. All-Russian Research Institute of Plant Protection, St. Petersburg, Pushkin.
Oudalova A.A.2, 3 – D.Sc., Biol., Prof. Obninsk Institute for Nuclear Power Engineering of the National Research Nuclear University “Mephi”, Obninsk, Russian Institute of Radiology and Agroecology, Obninsk. Contacts: Studgorodok 1, Obninsk, Kaluga region, Russia, 249040. Tel.: +7 (484) 393-72-12; e-mail:
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General principles of environmental health assessment based on responses of agricultural plants to ionizing radiation are considered in the context of ecocentric approach to radiation protection of human and non-human species. Possibility of using cultured plant species, important ecological component of agrocenoses, for estimating quality of environment is discussed. Published results of research into modifying effects of biotic and abiotic factors, such as insect pests, phytopathogens, climate conditions, etc., on radiobiological response of agricultural plants are reviewed. To assess environment quality and a degree of radiation protection it is necessary first to develop ecosystem approach, including effects both at individual level (survival, reproduction, morbidity), and at population and cenotic levels, as environmental quality objectives Diverse response of cultured plant species to radiation and ambigous modifying effect of different agents existing in agro- and biocenoses should be taken into consideration as well.
Key words
ecosystem, ionizing radiation, agricultural plants, harvest, sensitivity, non-human biota, reference plant, ecosystem approach, environmental factors, radiation protection.
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