Prognostic estimation of Cs-137 content in forest mushrooms and berries within a zone of regular fallout of the Belarusian atomic power station
«Radiation and Risk», 2013, vol. 22, No. 2, pp.61-66
Perevolotsky A.N. – Associate Professor of Human and Animals Physiology Chair of Biological Department, C. Sc., Agr., Educational Establishment "Francisk Skorina Gomel State University", Gomel.
Perevolotskaya T.V. – Senior Lecturer of Forestry Subjects Chair of Biological Department, C. Sc., Biol., Educational Establishment "Francisk Skorina Gomel State University", Gomel.
Contacts: 104 Sovetskaya str., Gomel, Belarus, 246019. Тел.: 8-10-375-232-60-75-72; e-mail:
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The article presents prognostic estimation on the release of 137Cs to the environment during standard operation of the Belarussian atomic power station. The authors analyzed dynamics of soil contamination with the radionuclide and its accumulation in mushrooms and berries nearby the station operating under standard conditions. The main contribution to radiation situation and contamination of edible forest products was found to be made by the radionuclide coming to biogeocenosis by as a result of global release of radioactive substances.
Key words
137Cs, regular fallout, specific activity, density of contamination, food production of the forest.
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