Cancer incidence in inhabitants of Ukrainian cities with nuclear-power enterprises
«Radiation and Risk», 2011, vol. 20, no. 3, pp.58-68
Bazyka D.A.1 – First Deputy Director General, MD, Prof. ”Scientific Center for Radiation Medicine NAMS of Ukraine”, Kiev.Prysyazhnyuk A.Ye.1 – Head of Lab., MD, Prof. ”Scientific Center for Radiation Medicine NAMS of Ukraine”, Kiev. Contacts: 53, Melnikova str., Kyiv, Ukraine, 04050. Tel.: +38 (044) 451-82-18; e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .
Romanenko A.Ye.1 – Referent of Director General, Academician of NAMS, MD, Prof. ”Scientific Center for Radiation Medicine NAMS of Ukraine”, Kiev.
Fuzik N.N.1 – Research Assistant, C. Sc., Biol. ”Scientific Center for Radiation Medicine NAMS of Ukraine”, Kiev.
Khukhrianska O.M.1 – Researcher. ”Scientific Center for Radiation Medicine NAMS of Ukraine”, Kiev.
Fedorenko Z.P.2 – Head of Dep., C. Sc., Med. National Cancer Institute of Ministry of Public Health of Ukraine, Kiev.
Gudzenko N.A.1 – Lead. Researcher, C. Sc., Med. ”Scientific Center for Radiation Medicine NAMS of Ukraine”, Kiev.
Gulak L.O.2 – Lead. Researcher, C. Sc., Tech. National Cancer Institute of Ministry of Public Health of Ukraine, Kiev.
Goroch Ye.L.2 – Senior Researcher, C. Sc., Tech. National Cancer Institute of Ministry of Public Health of Ukraine, Kiev.
Sumkina Ye.V.2 – Research Assistant. National Cancer Institute of Ministry of Public Health of Ukraine, Kiev.
There are two types of nuclear plants with hazardous labor conditions in Ukraine: plants for processing of uranium ore (Zheltye Wody and Dneprodzerzhynsk of Dnepropetrovskа region), and nuclear power plants (Energodar of Zaporozhska region, Pivdennoukrainsk of Nikolayivska region, Netishyn of Khmelnytska region). In 2003-2008 average size of population in the above cities was 439 thousand people (State Statistic Committee of Ukraine). According to the Ukrainian National Cancer Register 9381 cancer cases were detected there during the observed period. On this base standardize cancer incidence ratio, SIR (%), was calculated for population of each city and groups of cities in accordance with the type of production activity in a city. It was found that cancer incidence rate in population of the 5 cities significantly exceeded national and regional incidence rates. Excess incidence rates were found for cancers of lung, trachea, bronchus, breast, kidney and for leukemia. Similar picture was observed in population of cities with plants for processing uranium ore. In cities hosting nuclear power plants there were registered excess of kidney cancer incidence was found. An important cause for the observed increase in cancer incidence rate compared to the national level may be the higher level of health care in so-called nuclear cities of Ukraine, which may result in increased rate of detection and registration of cancer cases. It is obvious that continuation of work and elaboration of programs and methods for the following stage of study is necessary.
Key words
Cancer incidence, nuclear power plants.
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