Health status of persons exposed to both external gamma-radiation and Pu-239 at doses less than limiting permissible level

"Radiation and Risk", 2000, Special Issue, pp.139-144
Selected articles from the journal "Bulletin of Radiation Medicine", 1980, No. 1, pp. 3-10


Okladnikova N.D., Kislovskaya I.L., Yurkov N.N., Tokarevskaya Z.B., Doshchenko V.N., Kudryavtseva T.I., Kudryavtseva V.N., Sumina M.B., Pesternikova V.S.


Group of workers of radiochemical facility exposed to both external gamma-radiation at doses less than 5 R/year and internal radiation from incorporated 239Pu in the amount of 0.041 μCi was examined. Marked changes of the health status of the examined were not found. Minor changes of the rate of general and regional angiodistonia, polyartralgia, activity of alanine and asparagine transaminases in blood serum, level of chromosomal aberrations in lymphocytes of the peripheral blood were found.

Key words
Combined effects, external γ-radiation, doses, internal irradiation, incorporated 239Pu, health status, minor changes, frequency of general and regional angiodystonia, polyarthralgia, activity of alanine and aspartic transaminases, chromosomal aberrations, peripheral blood lymphocytes.


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Full-text article (in Russian)