Sexual and generative functions in men chronically overexposed to external radiation

"Radiation and Risk", 2000, Special Issue, pp.96-100
Selected articles from the journal "Bulletin of Radiation Medicine", 1977, No. 3, pp. 73-78


Baklanov P.S., Okladnikova N.D.


Sexologic examination of 37 men chronically exposed to external gamma-radiation (integrated dose ranged from 100.0 to 780.0 R) 15-20 years before the examination showed normal sexual and stable generative functions in most of cases (89.5%). In 10.5% of cases sexual disorders were found, they were manifested as disorders of psychic component or as mixed disorders of psychic and neurohumoral components. In three cases occupational factor was stated to make contribution to sustaining psychic trauma.

Key words
The state of sexual and generative function, chronic external exposure, sexual disorders, γ-radiation, men.


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