Functional status of haematopoietic system caused by chronic radiation disease

"Radiation and Risk", 2000, Special Issue, pp.32-33
Selected articles from the journal "Bulletin of Radiation Medicine", 1960, No. 1a, pp. 96-98


Baisogolov G.D., Springish V.N.


In patients who terminated their work in radiochemical facilities 3-7 years ago improvement of morphological composition of peripheral blood was shown to be observed in 75% of cases, complete recovery of the composition - in 10% of cases. This largely depended on the time passed since the moving to the job under "clean conditions" and the degree of previous changes. In some cases (50%) increase of reticular cells and decrease of leuco-ertiroblastic index. Adrenaline test made for 50% of patients did not show marked deviations from the norm. It was suggested that increase in the number of reticular cells could serve as sign of the development of blastomatosis or hypoplasia.

Key words
Functional state, hematopoietic system, peripheral blood, morphological composition, chronic radiation sickness.


1. Baisogolov G.D. Dynamics of peripheral blood indices in patients with chronic radiation sickness after stopping work in radiochemical production. The Manuscript, 1956.

2. Baisogolov G.D. Clinical picture of chronic radiation sickness in various periods of its course, vol. 2. Thesis. M., 1958.

3. Krayevsky N.A. Report at the symposium on the problem of leukemia. M., May 30-31, 1958.

4. Lemberg V.L. Pathological anatomy of some forms of outcomes of chronic radiation sickness. The Handbook, 1956.

Full-text article (in Russian)