"Radiation and Risk", 2000, Special Issue
"Radiation and Risk", 2000, Special Issue, pp.8
Clinical picture of acute radiation sickness and the status of the haematopoietic system
Baisogolov G.D. "Radiation and Risk", 2000, Special Issue, pp.9-13
To the question of delayed consequences of the acute radiation sickness
Baisogolov G.D. "Radiation and Risk", 2000, Special Issue, pp.14-19
Features of pathoanatomical picture of acute radiation sickness in a patient with regard to a type of exposure and radiation dose
Lemberg V.K.
"Radiation and Risk", 2000, Special Issue, pp.20-28
Temporal changes of peripheral blood parameters in patients with chronic radiation sickness following exposure to radiation
Baisogolov G.D.
"Radiation and Risk", 2000, Special Issue, pp.29-31
Functional status of haematopoietic system caused by chronic radiation disease
Baisogolov G.D., Springish V.N.
"Radiation and Risk", 2000, Special Issue, pp.32-33
Something of pathogenesis of changes in the blood in different periods of chronic radiation sickness
Baisogolov G.D.
"Radiation and Risk", 2000, Special Issue, pp.34-42
Status of heart muscle in patients with chronic radiation sickness in different periods of the development of the disease (on the basis of electrocardiographic data)
Baisogolov G.D., Kiryushkin V.I.
"Radiation and Risk", 2000, Special Issue, pp.43-46
Syndrome of myocardiodistrophy in the late period of chronic radiation sickness and its outcome
Doshchenko V.N., Migunova N.I.
"Radiation and Risk", 2000, Special Issue, pp.47-50
Prevalence of ischaemic heart disease among the persons subjected to occupational radiation
Doshchenko V.N., Okladnikova N.D., Kabasheva N.Ya.
"Radiation and Risk", 2000, Special Issue, pp.51-54
To the question of secretory, motor and blood-forming stomach function in patients with chronic radiation sickness
Doshchenko V.N.
"Radiation and Risk", 2000, Special Issue, pp.55-54
Stomach condition in patients with chronic radiation sickness at dynamic follow-up
Kabasheva N.Ya., Doshchenko V.N.
"Radiation and Risk", 2000, Special Issue, pp.62-65
Neurologic syndromes of chronic radiation sickness
Guskova A.K.
"Radiation and Risk", 2000, Special Issue, pp.66-71
Osteoalgic syndrome in clinical picture of chronic radiation sickness
Oliper T.V.
"Radiation and Risk", 2000, Special Issue, pp.72-76
Some clinical features of osteoalgic syndrome in the late period of chronic radiation sickness
Sumina M.V.
"Radiation and Risk", 2000, Special Issue, pp.77-81
Risk factors, clinical and functional estimation of early cerebral aterosclerosis in patients with chronic radiation sickness
Sumina M.V., Azizova T.V.
"Radiation and Risk", 2000, Special Issue, pp.82-86
Retrospective estimation of main neurologic syndromes of chronic radiation sickness for 40-year follow-up
Sumina M.V., Azizova T.V.
"Radiation and Risk", 2000, Special Issue, pp.87-90
Immune status in patients with chronic radiation sickness caused by external gamma-radiation
Vologodskaya I.A., Telnov V.I., Okladnikova N.D.
"Radiation and Risk", 2000, Special Issue, pp.91-95
Sexual and generative functions in men chronically overexposed to external radiation
Baklanov P.S., Okladnikova N.D.
"Radiation and Risk", 2000, Special Issue, pp.96-100
Chromosomal aberrations in lymphocytes of peripheral blood of patients with chronic radiation sickness in 25-30 years after termination of contact with radiation factor
Okladnikova N.D.
"Radiation and Risk", 2000, Special Issue, pp.101-104
Long-term cytogenetic effects of chronic occupational irradiation
Okladnikova N.D., Burak L.E.
"Radiation and Risk", 2000, Special Issue, pp.105-108
Results of dynamic tracing of health status of workers maintaining nuclear reactors of industrial type
Baisogolov G.D., Doshchenko V.N., Oliper T.V.
"Radiation and Risk", 2000, Special Issue, pp.109-112
Clinical picture of experimental radiation sickness in dogs following chronical exposure to gamma-radiation, administration of Pu-239 and simultaneous exposure to both agents
Rogacheva S.A., Kudasheva N.P., Oliper T.V., Kalmykova Z.I.
"Radiation and Risk", 2000, Special Issue, pp.113-117
To the question of outcome of chronic radiation sickness
Baisogolov G.D., Lemberg V.K.
"Radiation and Risk", 2000, Special Issue, pp.118-129
Long-term manifestation of chronic radiation sickness in a human
Baisogolov G.D., Doshchenko V.N., Yurkov N.N., Vedeneyev V.S., Kislovskaya I.L., Kudryavtseva V.N., Larionova I.K., Okladnikova N.D., Plotnikova L.A., Tokarskaya Z.B.
"Radiation and Risk", 2000, Special Issue, pp.130-133
Clinical picture of chronic radiation sickness at different periods of its course
Baisogolov G.D.
"Radiation and Risk", 2000, Special Issue, pp.134-138
Health status of persons exposed to both external gamma-radiation and Pu-239 at doses less than limiting permissible level
Okladnikova N.D., Kislovskaya I.L., Yurkov N.N., Tokarevskaya Z.B., Doshchenko V.N., Kudryavtseva T.I., Kudryavtseva V.N.,
Sumina M.B., Pesternikova V.S.
"Radiation and Risk", 2000, Special Issue, pp.139-144
Malignant neoplasms in workers of radiochemical facility exposed to radiation at doses exceeded permissible (epidemiological study)
Okladnikova N.D., Moroz G.S., Koshurnikova N.A., Bikmurzin R.K., Erokhin R.A., Ternovsky I.A.
"Radiation and Risk", 2000, Special Issue, pp.145-149