On the radiodiagnosis of plutonium pneumosclerosis

"Radiation and Risk", 1995, vol. 5, pp. 97-102


Nikitin V.P., Kiryushkin V.I.


On rentgenologic examination, the changes typical for pneumosclerosis emerged by a part of the workers involved into plutonium production. For plutonium pneumosclerosis of the first degree the diffusive pneumosclerosis changes noticeable on rentgenograms largely at the level of midinferior compartments of lung fields are characteristic. By pneumosclerosis of the second and the third degrees the distinct pneumosclerosis changes are mainly observed at the level of superior compartments of lung fields. The prevailing development of fibrous changes in superior lobes of the lungs is evidently characteristic for pneumosclerosis progressing due to the inhalation of α-emitting isotopes (radium, plutonium).

Key words
Inhalation admission, workers plutonium production, pulmonary fibrosis, diffuse pneumosclerotic changes, upper parts of the lung fields, α-radiating isotopes, radium, plutonium.


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