Methodology for reconstruction of absorbed external radiation doses for population living on the territory of Russia contaminated due to the ChNPP accident

"Radiation and Risk", 1994, vol. 4, pp. 95-112


Pitkevich V.A., Duba V.V., Ivanov V.K., Shershakov V.M.1, Golubenkov A.V.1, Borodin R.V.1, Kosykh B.C.1
Medical Radiological Research Center of RAMS, Obninsk
1 Science and Production Association "Тyphoon" of Roshydmet, Obninsk


Presented is a methodology for reconstruction of space-time characteristics of the Russian territory contamination with major dose-forming radionuclides released from the 4-th unit of the Chernobyl NPP. The methodology is based on using results of modeling radionuclides released in the atmosphere from the time of the accident to 20 May 1986. data of gammaspectrometry of soil samples collected in populated areas in 1986-1988 and available data of exposure dose rate measurements in populated areas. On the basis of the developed model of "local precipitation", reconstructed are volumetric concentrations and deposition velocities of major radionuclides, including short-lived, which are used to build a time dependence of exposure doze rate. In doing this, account is taken to what depth radionuclides penetrate In soil and how they are reflected by snow cover. The obtained data are then used to assess external absorbed doses from depositions and passing radioactive clouds. The proposed methodology is established as part of the radioecological subsystem RECOR of the Russian National Medical-Dosimetric Registry. Provision is made that if individual dosimetric data are not available, group absorbed doses (from the accident to the present time) are entered to the Registry.

Key words
Reconstruction, spatial-temporal characteristics, pollution, territory, Russia, main dose-forming radionuclides, Chernobyl nuclear power plant, accident, exposure dose rate, radionuclides.


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